06 juni, 2006

Rollercoasters and documentarys about the motherland!

Today me and "the gang", Chrille P, Anna (alias Han Solo) and Chewie (alias Pedro) went to the amusement park It was big, beautiful and had lots of rollercoasters. Chrille P is famous for his fetisch for rollercoasters and know lots about them. Chewie and Han just tagged along to have something to complain about.

After eight hours of rollercoasters we went home and saw the great documentary about the swedish schoolsystem. Onskan (EVIL).
It is always more fun to see a film if someone repeats all the words like a parrot.

Now i am tired and will go to bed. Tomorrow the goal is to make a perfect front soumersalt (spelling?) on the pole. Maybe i film it and put it here...

Until then, save the whales.

3 kommentarer:

Tobias Grodmark (nä?) sa...

Recycle your garbage!

Anonym sa...

hmmm... monday rollercoasters... not tuesday... tuesday school... are that lost now so you don´t know what day your in?????

Anonym sa...

Jag har fått en vision!