30 november, 2006

Blogging in Swenglish...

1 kommentarer
Ok, I start in english.

The first episode is not exxxcelent but quite cute.

I continue in swedish.

Trötthet, kära vänner.
Att inte ha mer än en dag ledigt åt gången tar på krafterna. Jag, Nils Johannes Wärmegård svär dyrt och heligt på fem språk (jag säger inte vilka) att jag inte skall klaga på att en helg är för kort igen.

Föreställningen går inte så bra. Det ända som är klart är mitt nummer och det har varit klart ganska länge, det känns som att vi bara trampar på samma tunna isfläck. Så fort vi hittar på något nytt så kommer någon på att det inte är disco, är det disco är det inte eros och är det disco och eros så är det fullständigt obegripligt för publiken och allmänt ointressant.

Jag är dock mycket glad att min kära familj med flera landar i Bryssel om en vecka. Det är synd att finanna eller Elias inte kunde följa med. Om någon vill komma hit så kan den kontakta mina föräldrar genom att göra en kommentar till detta blogginlägg och förhanla priser. Allt jag kräver är:
DUMLE, Marabou mjölkchoklad, Leksands runda knäckebröd, extragräddat, en svensk falukorv och en stor flaska trocadero.

Snälla mor och far, eller groupie som tigger biljett, ta med detta åt mig. Jag utlovar en kram efter föreställningen!

Peace out!

29 november, 2006

X-mas coming closer...

3 kommentarer
Today I had only one lession, thanks to ANGELique, our danceteacher and extra mother. She convinced PhilLIPe to cancel our acrobaticslession and move the Pascal Jacoblession to after lunch. That gave us a well needed rest.

The creation is eating my soul.

After the Circushistory with PJ I took a shoppingtour in town, i bought new training tshirts, new poleunderpants, new polesweatshirt, new socks and a santa clauscostume. And one christmasgift for my sister. She is the easiest of the family to buy gifts for, because she always pretends to be happy, no mather what.

The I came home and did laundry and edited the first three episodes of ALARM: X-MAS.
They are not so full of specialeffects or manuscript or something that fancy, but the are made with love.


27 november, 2006

Long day!

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This day was long, but I had rebecca (thats what I call my computor) to keep me company all day...
I downloaded stuff for our creation, I don´t want to tell too much.

Two episodes of ALARM: X-Mas is filmed, i will edit it tonight I think...

Everything else is due to sponsorshipcontract confidencial*

*Jag luktar illa och måste duscha!

26 november, 2006

Stålnils strikes again

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Jag fortsätter att blogga på svenska ett tag. Det är ganska skönt att kunna skriva av sig och veta att ingen mer än Anna och Chrille P från skolan läser. Eller möjligtvis Pedro om någon översätter åt honom för att senare gå ett "okänt öde till mötes".

Nu har jag vaknat och tagit mitt söndagsmorgonsbad. Det är en mycket skön ovana. Att börja dagen med att lägga sig i blöt är troligtvis det smartaste man kan göra.
Tyvärr tar det tid.
Tyvärr är det svårt att hitta en avslappnande position i mitt pyttebadkar som är kortare än mina ben.

Det hela leder till en lustig procedur när jag duschar av mig en snabbis, sen stoppar ner proppen så att badkarlet sakta fylls upp.
När allt är fullt lägger jag mig på rygg med benen i vädret och njuter tills vattnet runnit ut ur skyddmotöversvämmningshålet (VVSexperter, vad heter det for real??), sen börjar jag frysa och duschar av mig igen och är redo för allt!

Jag har länge sett morgonbaden som ett hot mot min punktlighet då jag inte kan räkna och bada samtidigt. Men sedan slår det mig att jag morgonbloggar är ett större hot. Hursomhelst.
Idag väntar scenbygge tror jag. Vi skall ställa upp allt som det skall vara i föreställningen.

Jag skall även kidnappa tillbaka min kamera från Anna, som fick sin plånbok stulen igår. Tjuvarna blev nog besvikna när dom märkte att stålnils hade flyttat alla annas pengar. Muahahahhaaha...

Stålnils andra supermission igår, Sandra, verkar vara hemma och vid liv. Jag hörde ett snarkade, som inte alls lät som min far, från hennes rum.

Nu väntar en tunnelbanefärd med Liftarens Guide radioteatern i lurarna. ALla borde lyssna på den jämt.

25 november, 2006

Saturday night fever

0 kommentarer
Ok, tillbaka i affären. Stariz bloggar på svenska igen.
Det vore ju synd om jag tappar mitt fina kunnande i det ädla fosterlandsbrölandet.

Hursomhelst så började dagen hur lungt som helst med ett bad, några avsnitt Oz och ett storkok pasta med tomatsås. Jag städade lite och diskade, och kände mig som en riktig hemmafru. Sandra var någonstans jag visste inte riktigt var just då.

Sen hör jag ett gneekande, ungefär som en arg katt i regnet som vill bli insläppt. Det var dörrklockan med tillhörande Sandra tre trappor ner som ville ha bärhjälp. Hurra tänkte jag, hon har varit på IKEA och köpt en soffa eller på loppmarknad och köpt ett flipperspel.

Undertäcknad flyyger ner för trapporna och möter något som nästan såg ut som sandra, om sandra hade blivit påkörd av en bilaffär så att säga.

Soffan och flipperspelet var i själva verket en liten påse på ca 1 kilo som jag skulle bära upp, samtidigt som jag fick dra upp den lilla klena sandra.

Efter att jag tryckt i henne mat så bar det iväg till sjukhuset. (Jag skall byta namn på bloggen till Stariz sjukhusblog). Denna gång var det St Pierre sjukhuset vid Porte De Hal.
Ett stort och obegripligt sjukhus som var omöjligt att hitta ingången till. Sen när jag och sandra som vid detta laget var nära döden äntligen hittar skyltar mot akuten så var det in i en mycket mycket obehaglig gränd där vi inte alls hittade någon akut utan bara en obehaglig dörr med skylten "Morgue". Sandra tyckte att det var bra nog och satte sig och väntade. Jag drog henne till akuten där hon tömdes på blod och förgäves försökte charma läkare. Medans vi väntade på provsvaren så gick vi till kvaterspubben och drack varm choklad.

Kvarterspubben skulle kunnat låna skylten där det stod "Morgue" och behållt sin trovärdighet.

Väl tillbaka på akutens inre vänthall så ser vi flera liv passera revy, flera nyblivna pappor hurra i korridoren och en massa olika sjukdomar.
Roligast är inte rätt ord, men det första ordet som dyker upp när man beskriver situationen när två ambulansförare kommer in med en bår med en massa filtar och en väska på. Skulle det inte vara för att allt luktade bajs skulle jag misstänka att ambulansförarna var galna. Sen hör jag ett bekant läte och tänker, NEJ! dom har tagit min far!!!

Han snarkade minnsann exakt likadant som min kära far.
Ambulansförarna klarade ioförsig att kasta runt honom och hans saker (som var praktiskt fastknutna på honom) utan att han vaknade. Sen kom tre poliser och tömmde hans väskor och försökte väcka honom, utan resultat.

Efter detta beslöt jag mig för att lämna Sandra, hon var i trygga händer.

Nu spenderar jag resten av lördagkvällen med glass, saft och Oz.
Precis som det är tänkt att lördagkvällar skall spenderas.

Saturday, i think...

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The only one day of holyday but strategically placed over the workweek rutine is killing me.
This morning when I woke up I spent the first minute to find out if it was Wednesday or Saturday.
After that minute I realized one thing:
I don´t care.

ESAC builds strong performers with a sund själ in a sund kropp, but makes them forget what day it is.

Anyho, yesterday we added a new piece to my number. It feels good!

We got a second pole up yesterday so I started to jump between them. But Lin Meï thinks that they are to close to eachother and the french maffia thinks that they should be that close. But it is easy to jump with half turn to the other pole. And most of all, it is fun.

Today I will clean and eat. And read the second best blog on the internet: find user ROCKY on myspace.
Den är på svenska och handlar mest om kött. Det är nog därför jag kan relatera till den så bra.

23 november, 2006


3 kommentarer
My act has changed again. Or not so much since last time. But it is not a stripact. Sorry ladys but it seems that the act will be a tribal (uttalas trajball som i ball tatuering) thingy.

Everybody is raving around me while i do my stuff.

I am to tired to blog more than this.

22 november, 2006

Funky Fashion...

1 kommentarer
The great thing about the circusbuissniss is that it is changing all the time. The show that started with two month of research about the antique greeks and erotism have now gotten modernized to a discofunkyfashionshow.
That suits me more but I don´t really understand why the show is called The tears of Eros.

Once again people should have listen to me and kept the name "Alarm: EROS" which was not just more esthetic in print, but also more dynamic to name a show before it is done. But well well.

Yesterday we did a great start for my poleact. Everybody is around me drumming rythms and I do pole at the same time.
But I don´t know if I´m gonna strip. Time will tell.
I´m loading up with energy* right now to go out and check out the latest in funky fashion.

The problem is that the showbudget force us to buy secondhand funky fashionclothes. That is more fun, but more difficult.
"Its not eating candy" - Arian Miluka

Me and Christerpettersen.com have also started to write the manuscript for the christmascalender, who will be called:

Peace out!

*Energy - Fulcola and an omelet of death, a briecheese and knäckebröd

20 november, 2006

Stripping Nilses, hidden tigers

1 kommentarer
First of all, I fucked up in the chessgame today. But I think I will win anyway. But everybody in the chessthread is laughing at me :(.

The day started in bed but I got up and went to the scenografy, via GBexpress for breakfast.

First lession: SCENOGRAFY, we talked about what we need on our costumes. I feel so bad because i need most protection and has the most difficult rigging. But since I have my beautiful smile and lagrad slyngelcharm I get what I want.

Luis (and partly me) did this installations with crayons too:

Second lession was trampolinetest. I hadn´t jumped in three weeks but did the test anyway. Marc was satisfied, that means i was satisfied.

Third lession was Lunch, i ate pasta with tunasauce.

Forth lession was Pole, I was great! Lin Meï was back and everything feels great in the knee now.

I am ready to do the best number in my life sofar in our show.

Fifth lession was halftime meeting for the show.

Marcus was a bit lost, the class is a bit splitterd (splittrad på engelska) and we try to make an order and red line through the show. We didn´t really come up with so much more than that almost everyone wants to se me strip... I feel that it will be really fun.

But since I need so much protection i might get dressed in the act instead.
I will make a small worknote and try to get everything started tomorrow.

It feels good that the class has passed the weeks of pure research and that we start to work more towards a show. But I might get in to such a stressed mode that I won´t blog everyday. But I will try to keep it up!!

19 november, 2006


3 kommentarer
Hello all Nilslovers!
I have something important to tell you all.
It is chrismas this year too!

Santa Claus (St Klåås på svenska) just called me to tell me that Chrismas will be celibrated in December this year.
SVT, the swedish television, also called me and told me that the chrismascalender this year will suck!
SVT also called Christerpettersen.com and gave him the bad news. So when Christerpettersen.com started to cry I told him:
"Hey boy, get your rocks on! Move boy, we put the clock on you boy let´s make our own Chrismascalender. It will be the best christmascalender EVVÖRR!!"

So all the children in the world can relax. At least it will be one christmascalender who will hold the mesurestick (hålla måttet, fast på engelska.)

It will be 24 episodes, one each day of december until the 24th.

Now Sandra came home, i´m gonna look at her african pictures..

18 november, 2006


0 kommentarer
One blog a day keeps the doctor away...
I did not blog yesterday, but thats becuse i saw Dr Skallpell, and he told me that my knee is ok!
So I can start to train for real again!!!

Right now my landlord is here fixing the electricity in Sandras room and tonight I will see a show, but I don´t really know what time it starts.

Anyho, time to eat!!

16 november, 2006


3 kommentarer
The name for the show is set.
L'armes d'eros.

I must say that I prefer "ALARM: Eros" but as long as it is not called "la vie de la nuit" I am satisfied.

Right now I am eating dinner in the school, waiting for frenchcourse. "All play and no work makes you die and go to hell", som jag brukar säga...

Well well, i might blog more if I ever get home... Peace out

15 november, 2006

Secret day!

0 kommentarer
What I did today will remain a secret forever!!!

14 november, 2006

Trött Nils bloggar på svenska!

2 kommentarer

Dramatik, baby, dramatik.

Detta är minsann hur schackbrädet ser ut nu i den dramatiska matchen mellan Nils Wärmegård och Sebastian Edström.

Ingen vågar utropa den andra till LOOOSER utan båda spelar defensivt och genomtänkt.

Som ni ser spelar jag för hand. Mest för att det är coolt!

Dagen började lite för sent eftersom jag försov mig. Jag vaknade av ett SMS när Finanna berättade att hon klev på planet till Prag. Hon ringde nyss och allt lät lungt.

När jag tillslut kom till skolan var första lektionen slut. Det var iof lungt eftersom det var scenografi. Jag ursäktade mig och ingen blev arg.
Trampolinlektionen fördrevs på plint där jag gjorde Marc´s kroppshållningsövningar. Dom är väldigt bra och alla borde göra dom jämt. Men jag vill kunna hoppa trampolin igen. Min skada suger livslusten ur mig! Kanske inte riktigt, men det gör mig nedstämnd.
Lyckligtvis blir knät bättre och bättre dag för dag (som i låten). Så om inte röntkningen imorgon säger annat börjar jag träna normalt på Måndag.

Förutom röntken är jag ledig imorgon, dagen skall därför fördrivas i sängen. Alternativt framför datorn.

Efter plintkunskap var det lunch. Stor bagge med Pitta pikant och ost avnjöts tillsammans med fulcola jag hade med mig (blir billgare så..)

Pållektionen idag var givande. Men bäst av allt var kreationslektionen med Marcus. Vi körde en timme improvisation som bitvis var redo för scen. Vi jobbar extremt bra tillsammans känner jag. Jag körde lite påle i improvisationen men kunde inte köra fullt ut pga knä, inga skor och ingen tröja. Men allt känns lovande och ALLA borde se föreställningen i december.

Efter impron var det äntligen Emillianos (manolo) tur att köra egen impro med sin stege. Den mannen är galen.

Eftersom det är tisdag fick jag även äran att besöka franskaundervisningen. Det är tungt att gå dit när man helst bara vill sova. Men det är en skön verklighetsflykt att umgås med vanliga människor.

Nu skriker Seb från andra sidan av internet att hans kung har gjort hamburgare av min häst.
Dags att visa honom vem som bestämmer.

Peace out!
PS. For all you englishspeakers, I can just say: "I´m Fine!!"

13 november, 2006

The battle goes in to middleplay

2 kommentarer
The chessgame against Sebastian has started off slowly but gets more and more intense.
No kills yet but it will come soon.

I don´t think I played this defensive in any chessgame before.

In real life today we had scenografy, trampo (i did headstand and abdominal training), pole and marcus. With marcus Paolo and I did a great dance, I was dead and he carried me around. Paolo weigh around 30 kilos or something but is superstrong and it became really nice.

Now I will hit the shower!

12 november, 2006

All work and no play makes Nils a strong boy!

6 kommentarer
Sunday school, or söndagsskola is normally what the kids do in church when the parents get into the serious buissniss at the church.

For me and my lovely class söndagsskola is when we have school on sunday so we can get down to buissniss.

I really enjoy working with Marcus, the director of our creation. He is around 1 meter high, full of energy and great ideas. His warmups are strongly influed by some kind of martial art, so today we kicked eachother in the stomach for around half an hour. It was fun.

We also read our personal poems, the one where I need help from you with translations.

So far my version is:

Jag önskar jag vore en liljekonvalj, ren och ärlig
För att sedan njuta av din kropp, naken och härlig

Jag önskar dig en blomma, det finaste som finns
Mest för att få av dig dina jeans

Jag önskar dig blommor, 1000 rosor
Mest för att få av dig dina trosor

Lägg till! Posta kommentarer goddammnit!!!

Then we did a strange but great exercise.
Read the long poem and do your circusdiscipline at the same time and make up new movements.
First rule is: Always read the poem
Second rule is: ALWAYS READ THE POEM
Third rule is: Do not stop until Marcus say so

For me, after around three minutes, I´m completly dead. So this forced me into making up new tricks that don´t use energy. Thats something new for me and I think my class liked it.

Christer, who has birthday today, did a 25 minutes long slackwire improvisation that was really good.

So, happy birthday Christer.
Happy mothersday dear mother Ewa.
Happy birthday Angelique (our danceteacher)

Tomorrow is the birthday of my father. He turnes 25.

11 november, 2006

The WAR has begun!!

0 kommentarer
I am in the middle of a battle.
As a followup to his victory against "Mr Bob Harris", the furious Dödsmannen Number One and I decided to match our powers on the battlefield called Chess.
I tried again to find a nice chessboard (tjackbräde på svenska) but I couldn´t find any board worthy the battle. Mostly becuse all the stores where closed due to some world war or something.
So I bought a nice moleskine notebook to write all the draws in. Which gives me one disadvantage, more work.
But since I write out where all the pieces are, I get a good overview before every move, and I can write down upcoming moves.

Dödsmannen Number One is White and I am black.

White: E2-E3
Black: G7-F6

Stay tuned for more chess!!

10 november, 2006

Omelet of death!

1 kommentarer
Well well friday evening means first of all food!

One great thing about fridays is that they are followed by "saturdays" that means "day off".
On the day off I go to a foodstore (due to sponsornegotiations I can´t tell you the name) and buy food.
So on the friday I eat all the food I have left.

The easiest way to get rid of the strange stuff I sometimes find in my fridge (read Sandras food). Is to cook a so called "Omelet of death".

The recepie is easy:
  1. Take everything you know you won´t use and put in a frying pan
  2. Add a can of tuna
  3. Add 4 eggs
  4. Drown the shit with grillkrydda and oregano
  5. Fry until ready
  6. Eat and enjoy

09 november, 2006

Poetry time - part 2

3 kommentarer
Today we had scenografi, i made Christer into Yoda with a touch of pornstar. Pedro became silverpedro and the rest became just strange.

I don´t have any of the pictures that the cameraman Chris Pee took, but they might arrive soon.

Then there was trampoline and acro, but since I´m not allowed to participate I did the strange exersices that Marc gave me. Then I spoke to Arian who was back today!!!

The lunchbox I made yesterday was forgotten in the fridge so I take it tomorrow. This sad fact forced me to walk to the famous butcher and eat a baugette (thon piquant and cheese).

The polelession with Arian was nice. Eventhough I can´t work with my legs.

The last three hours at school was Creation. First we ran, and I completly forgot that Dr Skalpell forbidden me to run, but it feels good as long as I don´t bend the knee over 90 degrees. We made a really long and really nice long improvisation of the text (famous from yesterday).
Since I forgot the french lession this tuesday I felt forced to go there today, so I went to Quick and loaded up the energi.
The frenchlessions are always nice, but I am tired after long schooldays.

Right now I am listening to the best swedish band ever. Euskeufeurat (stavning??) and soon I´ll take a shower and then sleep.

I have to make a long translation to swedish of my personal poem.
My plan is to make around 50 translations and sort them with the cutest first and make it more and more right on target...

I forgot the poem in french at school.
But in swedish it is something like:

Jag önskar dig en liljekonvalj, ren och oskuldsfull
Sen vill jag omsorgsfullt och gentlemannamässigt smeka din kropp

För att få det att rimma kan man skriva den i stil med:

Jag ger dig en ros, lika fin som du
Snälla säg att du vill bli min fru

Eller lite mera rakt på:

Jag ger dig en blomma, det finaste som finns
Mest för att få av dig dina jeans

Så, läsartävling:
Kan någon göra en snäll, rimmande omskrivning av dikten.
Rad ett skall ínnehålla en blomma och någon form av fina adjektiv
Rad två skall innehålla någon form av förfinad omskrivning för snusk.

Posta kommentarer!!

08 november, 2006

Poetry time

1 kommentarer
Yesterday we didn´t just paint me green, we started to work with Marcus the director for the show too.

So now I have to learn a poem about Eros by heart. It is quite difficult, since it is in french.

The poem goes like this:

Allons, Que je vous donne le signalement
De ce petit enfant:
Il est aisé reconnaître, assurément.
Il ná pas le taint blanc
Et, parail à la flamme est tout rougeoyant.
Sa voix est sauve comme le miel
Mais sa penseé est pire que le fiel.
Ce terrible marmot ment et ment toujours:
Ne croyez en acun de ses discours
Tout le porte vers des jeux mauvais.
Oui, c´est un enfant cruel, en effet!
Certes, il a de beaux cheveux
Mais son front est des plus malicieux
Ses mains sont petites il est vrai,
Mais elle frappent fort au point de résonner
Jusque sur l`Achéron et l´infernal palais.
Il arbore une belle nudité
Mais son âme est fort enveloppée.

That part is what I should know by heart for tomorrow.
For those of you who wonder it means that Eros is an evil child!

Chess is the new black and bodypaint makes you look green

1 kommentarer
Yesterday evening I didn´t blog.
This is becuse I heard about a new computor game that I played instead. It is called Chess and apparently it is possible to play whitout computor too.
Right now on LG2K in the forum there is a distancebattle between Mr Bob Harris and Dödsmannen nr1.
I hope that Dödsmannen nr1 wins.
I will buy a analog chessboard today so I can challenge Mimmic, AKA Elias Larsson in a match.
Yesterday in school we had the best scenografilession ever. Paolo, Angelos and Loïc showed funny pictures from a suspect flamish fashionmagazine. The we painted eachother.
This is me, the first version.
Chrille P (soon with a new website) did the makeup. Just green was nice, but to decorate me more (pimp my face) we added stripes like on a Dodge Viper.

Loïc was blue and we looked like brothers.

This is the rest of the painted class:
We look like a Star Wars Cosplayparty...
All photos is by Christer Pettersen.

More starwars torrents for the people!

2 kommentarer
Thanks to our new schedule we have every wednesday off. This rules.

Today I slept until around 12 and then I spent one hour doing research about the upcoming Star Wars Televisionseries. It seems to become a really expensive supershow!
On different websites everybody is talking about how bad they think the show is going to be since George this and Lucas that.

I think the show will rule since George Lucas is a horrible storystarter (Episod 1). The best things he has written is everything taking place in the middle of the Saga. Clone Wars until the end of EP 5 (Holiday Special included, droids excluded) is the best form of moving pixels on the computerscreen. This is for me the really important parts of the Star Wars saga. The rest (ep 1, 2 & 6, ewoks + battle of endor) is just a way to make everything understandable for the mainstream crowd.
And since the show will take place between ep 3 and 4 it will be great and therefor kick out Droids out of the canon.

Anyhow, I´m looking forward to download this show from "the Internet" - my favorite piece of information.

07 november, 2006

One blog a day keeps the doctor away!

0 kommentarer
Good Morning all you Nilslovers!
I just finished my breakfast and felt that it is time for the first morningblog in a while.

Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you gotta do

As Oasis said it in the 90´s.

Well well, gotta go now.

06 november, 2006


1 kommentarer
Well. My bloggingfrequency has made even a true fan like Milqy Balboa to question my existence. Or atleast spread a rumour (spelling? rykte...) about my retirement as a Teenage Mutant Hero Blogger.

I´ve been busy showing Anna AKA Finanna Brussels and South Park. The wonderful girl went back to Stockholm today.
Fun for her mom, sad for me.

The day started this morning*.
The first lession was Scenografi so no warmup needed. But I wanted to see Dr Skalpell. He was back from a smaller surgery but really wanted to take care of us. I have to do some superxray next week, where the shoot some strange fluid into my knee and then the fluid ask my knee what´s wrong and tell it to Dr Skalpell.
Dr Skalpell** also told me to not run or jump. That is a pity since I kinda like jumping and running.

The Scenografi was as scenografi is most.
The Acro was just Marc giving me and Paolo strange powerexersices to do since we are injured.
The Poleclass was fun. Lin Meï have spent the whole holiday making up new polemoves. Finanna was there to support me and I made five really nice Flagpushups.

After the poleclass we were done for the day since all the teachers had a meeting.
So I followed Finanna to Gare Du Midi and waved her off.

It is strange to be all alone in the apartment. Sandra is in Togo now. It is also quite cold since the heating is broken.

But life rules anyway!
*I wrote the sentence before I thought it, it is quite cute so I left it
**Or Dr Skal Spell as he would be called if he was a proffesor at Hogwarts.***
***I thought it was funny at first.

03 november, 2006

I´m Back....

6 kommentarer
Once again I have made a cliffhanger in the blog and then not updated in one week. Sorry.
A whole world is worried about my knee.
I still don´t know how it is doing.
But It feels a bit better and in around one hour me and Finanna is going to the doctor to check it out in a x-raymachine.

Speaking of Finanna (thats what everyone here thinks she is called) she is here and I think she likes Brussels. "Vad skall jag hälsa!?" She says to all of you. I´ve been showing here the town and she has been taking care of my knee.

We´ve been watching three movies on cinema. First we saw "Children of men" (Imdb) this monday. A nice movie about the future when noone can have children anymore.
Yesterday Sandra wanted to use the shower so we had to move out of the bedroom. So we had a hard time deciding what movie to see. The weather was bad so we couldn´t be outside. Finanna wanted to see "Perfume" (Imdb), I thought it was a girlsmovie. I wanted to see "Borat" (Imdb).

For some strange reason we ended up seeing "Perfume". (T0ffelpoäng! Släng dig i väggen Elias). It wasn´t a girlsmovie, it was a wonderful story about a man who liked to make perfume. See it.

Then since Belgium is belgium and noone seem to have control over anything we went to the salong were they showed "Borat".
Two movies for 5.95€!
Borat was a genial movie by the Ali G dude. I recommend it to everyone!

Tomorrow Sandra goes to Togo for two weeks. This means that I have what we in sweden call "FF". That means that I can walk around in my underwear or less and watch horrormovies all night. Or just read cartoons all night.

I also have to say goodbye to Toby twoo Kenobi and Chrille "Didn´t do it" P who both have decided to stop their blogging.
So Long and thanks for all the Fish.

Anyho, we are now going to the doctor.
Peace OUT!