25 november, 2006

Saturday, i think...

The only one day of holyday but strategically placed over the workweek rutine is killing me.
This morning when I woke up I spent the first minute to find out if it was Wednesday or Saturday.
After that minute I realized one thing:
I don´t care.

ESAC builds strong performers with a sund själ in a sund kropp, but makes them forget what day it is.

Anyho, yesterday we added a new piece to my number. It feels good!

We got a second pole up yesterday so I started to jump between them. But Lin Meï thinks that they are to close to eachother and the french maffia thinks that they should be that close. But it is easy to jump with half turn to the other pole. And most of all, it is fun.

Today I will clean and eat. And read the second best blog on the internet: find user ROCKY on myspace.
Den är på svenska och handlar mest om kött. Det är nog därför jag kan relatera till den så bra.

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