30 juni, 2006


1 kommentarer
Finally i am done with the cleaning of my old room. It is the first time I move my stuff alone with only lé metro as help. It is a great way to not bring so much trash.
Now all thats left is my blanket and a small table I got from Alix who moved out yesterday. It feels bad to leave Franscesca, Fernando and Miguel all alone. But they will probably move soon too.

Yesterday I did some cultural espionage, I was at Gert (uttalas Schkjeärt) and met flamish people.
Tonight I don´t know what I will do, maybe see a movie, or make one. We´ll see...

29 juni, 2006

Alone in the dark..

0 kommentarer
This is an abandoned Nils speaking...
I am all alone in the big apartment. Anna left a couple of hours ago (happy birthday), she took her sister Stina with her. And Lotta left this morning.
I have planned a couple of things to do if the boredom eats my soul:
  • Put on all Lotta and Annas clothes and record a fake soapopera with Lotta played by me and Anna played by me
  • Build a lifesize papiermaché Sylvain in the livingroom some famous Sylvainposes
  • Throw a beachparty and fill the place with sand
  • Throw a hamsterparty and fill the place with ripped telephonebooks
  • Get Elias and Mattias here and play Starflower until everyone comes back
  • Get my family here and we could play 2001, the last year home
  • Get some more people here and we could play 2001 a space oddesy
  • Build a shelter for homeless cats/people/spiders
  • Just be a good Nils and eat Annas food (she asked me) and go to Gert (prenounced Skjärt)

Nils, the Facts

2 kommentarer
In a crazy attempt to get my african blogreaders I finally present myself. As always, i use a silly internetquestionary to do it.

Finally, who am I?
Name:Nils Johannes "Nisse" Wärmegård (hard to prenounce if you are a foreigner)
Birthday:13th May, 1987
Current Location:Brussels, Annas livingroom
Eye Color:Blue and beautiful
Hair Color:Dark and short
Height:178 cm according to my passport, 176 cm de facto
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:No
The Shoes You Wore Today:My flipflops
Your Weakness:Can´t round my back
Your Fears:The loss of my closest ones (Anakinstyle)
Your Perfect Pizza:Big, Varm & Dead
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Get back into my brides dress, frontflip on the pole
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:Hej
Thoughts First Waking Up:Tyst Anna
Your Best Physical Feature:My arms
Your Bedtime:Just before i sleep
Your Most Missed Memory:I don´t remember
Pepsi or Coke:Yes please, with ice
MacDonalds or Burger King:Max or Sibylla
Single or Group Dates:I come alone, bring as many as you want
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:Coffee
Do you Swear:Yes, but only in italian and French
Do you Sing:Yes, loud and good
Do you Shower Daily:Normal days yes, other days no
Have you Been in Love:In myself
Do you want to go to College:I am in college, ESAC
Do you want to get Married:If I find her, if you think you are a candidate, send a mail
Do you belive in yourself:HELL YEAH!
Do you get Motion Sickness:Never
Do you think you are Attractive:HELL YEAH!
Are you a Health Freak:HELL MAYBE!
Do you get along with your Parents:Yes, very well
Do you like Thunderstorms:Yes
Do you play an Instrument:Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Silly question, hell yeah
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:Oreos?
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:No, but I would like to, i´ve been drinking some Misosoup, does that count, silly questionary
In the past month have you been on Stage:Yes
In the past month have you been Dumped:No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:Skinny Dipping?
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:Maybe borrowed something
Ever been Drunk:Yes, a couple of single events
Ever been called a Tease:Not that I know
Ever been Beaten up:Yes :(
Ever Shoplifted:No
How do you want to Die:after my parents
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Big
What country would you most like to Visit:China, this summer, Lin Meï´s wedding...

28 juni, 2006

Press reload!

1 kommentarer
I just built a image randomizer to the blog, right now there is only two images, but i will add more classic Nisseimages... The reasons i put it there are obvious. If i teach Chille P how to make them he will explode of "beslutsångest" about what pictures to have in his blog. Hohoho.
Today we had the big deliberation! Everybody in first and second year


From the first lines until here we played one game of Chicago (i won) and one game of 500 (Stina won). My favorite part was when Anna showed here superbadloserside...  Now I will go home to my soontobecome former apartment and get a shitload of stuff here. Tomorrow everybody who lives here will leave so I will be the King of the apartment (i already are).

See you all!

27 juni, 2006

Images from the drama

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KillerStina plans to kill something

Anna is a bit worried that she will die.

Pedro is not worried, he is dead.

Latest update

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Stina, Annas big sister, just killed Pedro.
He said bad words in swedish to the wrong girl.

Rest in Peace Pedro.
I hope you have a nice time wherever you are"

Third Person blogging

2 kommentarer
Since Pedro never writes new blogs i will update what he is doing right now!

Pedro is playing cards with Anna and her sister Stina.
I´m not playing due to childhoodtraumas.

Pedro has pair in aces.
Pedro is planning to secretly cut his hair.
Pedro is playing with my videocamera. He is really impressed about the colours and zoom and stuff.
Pedro sat in a meeting all day with the pedagogic counsil, everybody else cleaned the school. While I cleaned the showers, the most disgusting place in school. He sat up in the theorieroom and just pretended to be intrested.

Pedro is leading the game in cards now.
The Nerman (downguy) sisters are planning to kill him.


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RIght now everything feels like the classic swedish novel Pancaketoartan by Sven Nordquist.
To get home, i have to get the apartment, to get the apartment I have to have 1000 papers and to get the papers I need other papers and to get the apartment I need money and to get money I need papers that i can´t get until tomorrow and to get to tomorrow I have to survive the evening.

Life is hard but fun...
Lazy people go to HELL!

On saturday Matte and Hege will come, unless the get lost in Lé Metro or something.

26 juni, 2006

The Whatever

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It is popular among my fellow bloggers from school to write The something in the title... Toby 2 Kenobi writes wvil lies instead. All honor to toby! I wish i could join the gang in the Skåne... Well well, now me and Annas sister Stina is going to see Oz and Anna will probably fall asleep.
Good Night!


2 kommentarer
I never wished to be in Skåne (the worst part of sweden) as much as now. Elias, Johnny, Tobbe Ljumne and Seb is there.
Bur i have to much work to do here. Right now i am cleaning my room and sorting everything. Then i will carry stuff to annas place. I think i will start with the most important stuff. (My computer)
My camera and my cdplayer is already there...
I really miss the swedish papperskasse right now since i have about two papperskassar with books, but whitout the papperskassar. So i really don´t know how to move them. Then i also have to much clothes in the borderland between usable and throwable. So i think I throw away some clothes that Elias would have sold if he could.
Or maybe i just should get back to work, instead of blogging every thought i have...

A visit at the pizzaplace

2 kommentarer
After we cleaned the school today almost everybody in our class went to the Pizzaplace closest to school where a pizza is "only" 5€. That is cheap here while at "Benedig" in Gävle it is 3€ and twice as big. Since the pizzas where so small all the real men at the place eat 1.5-2 each. To see Paolo eat 1.75 Pizzas is amazing. He eats almost twice his weight.
The people working there were superhappy and gave everybody including the people who just dropped in whitout eating icecream. That, ladys and gentlemen, is what I call service.

Behind enemy lines

5 kommentarer
Right now I feel a bit homeless. My room in my soon to become former apartement is a bit turned upside down, I have sorted everything in two piles, one to throw one to keep.
Just like my mother demanded. (The rules are simple, never question your mother when it comes to moving between places, she is the master of moving...)

At the moment I am at Annas place where I have slept the last two nights. Anna is playing somekind of strange french game with Pedro, Violane, Vlademir, Luca and Pauline. Luca and Pauline are a team and are looking at everybodys cards all the time, but they don´t notice.

Tomorrow we are free from school so I will move all my stuff here and live here until my apartment is ready at the 3 July. In school we only have some cleaning left to do, but we almost did it all today. So it will take around two hours (if everybody are there...)

I start to enter the mental state of summer holiday. The sun was shining a couple of days ago, but now it got a bit belgian again.

Tomorrow i will probably post a couple of pictures, i can´t do it now since I for the first time is blogging from a Mac. Really strange.

24 juni, 2006

In the news...

0 kommentarer
Aaron Spelling, the creator of Beverly Hills and Tori Spelling is dead.
The man who is responable to the myth that people in Los Angeles are rich and beautiful have finally thrown in the towel.

Allbäck will not play from start in the match against Tim today. Zlatan will take his place and I sure hope that Zlatan shows that "he´s the man" today.

The famous swedish Juggler Mattias Grip is coming to Brussels in one week. He will perform here at ESAC during the wednesday.

Feeding the Lions...

0 kommentarer
In my last blog i left a cliffhanger.
Yesterdayme was feeding the Lions (in your face Chrille P). It is far from as dramatic as it may sound.
The Lions in this case basicly fed themself (the law of the jungle).
The Lions were not the furry big cats, but the Lions International, as in old people, lots of perfume and lots of beer inside the expensive suite.
It was a very intresting evening to watch. Tonight I will probably have to work quite much more. The saturdaynight apresspectaclebar is one of Belgiums biggest partys. It will be lots of work for us, the brave bartenders (Nisse W, Peddo S and Palle L)

Today I woke up at Annas apartment, she let me stay there becuse my work and the metro were not as syncronised as one might wish. She wasen´t there but at Pedros place to "charge the phone".
So I woke up an got to work. There is lots of paperwork that needs to be done for the new apartement but I start to see an end in the tunnel. I´m glad that I don´t have to read all the new papers I got, it would take forever.

The sun is shining, the weather is sweet here. Now I need a shower then I go out to see the famous second year students perform at Grand Place. And ofcourse see Sweden beat Tim.
Bon Soaré

23 juni, 2006

Mothers leads to the dark side...

0 kommentarer
First of all I love my mother.
Second of all I become moody and evil when I am hungry.

Today I finally got stuff to do.
Tomorrow I will build a bankaccount, get my IDcard, sign a contract (have I done that before?) and feed the Lions (it is not as dangerous that it sounds :( )

Today when I realized that I had stuff to fix I felt a bit stressed, and I needed a mothers support. But I didn´t have money on my phone so I used the tools of the spaceage. It is called "E-Mail" and is like the "Post-it´s" at LG2K but a bit more underground.
I got a very strange answer:

I will be out of the office starting  2006-06-21 and will not return until 2006-08-07.

Jag har semester till den 7 augusti. Frågor som rör kurser kan ställas till
kursansvariga eller till Hemligt Namn av säkerhetsjäl, kursadministratör. Ha en skön sommar!
Witch translated means:
Jag är på semester från 2006-06-21 och är tillbaka 2006-08-07

I have vacation until 7 August. Questions about courses can be asked to the courseadministrators or to Secret Name (due to security reasons), coursadministrator.
Have a nice summer!
Ewa (my mother)

This gave birth to a big question, should I call the Secret Name or the "courseadministrator"?
Does courseadministrator in this name mean my director at school, my spiritual guru or my father?

Anywho, my dear mother called me at last and everything is solved.

About feeding the Lions, I leave it as a cliffhanger...
Angående mata lejonen, jag ger er en galje

22 juni, 2006

Cleaning and planning to move...

5 kommentarer
Today me and Sandra went to Porte Du Namur to see an apartment. It was perfect. Two dudes, father and son, were completly renovationg everything and it is available from First July so Jeremie probably will rent it over the summer.

Tomorrow we will probably sign the contract unless something happends.
It feels nice to have an apartment. Now i can relax.

To celebrate i started to clean and pack my stuff from where i live now.
I found a lot of kindertoys and 5 cent coins...

Tonight I will see Exit 5 again, I saw it yesterday too and it is very good.

Chrille P has made a teaser for his upcoming movie: "The passion of the Christer".
(Click here)

20 juni, 2006

Long day, Long blog...

1 kommentarer
Chapter 1 - Soccer
Sweden almost won the match against England. It ended 2-2 (like you didn´t know...)

I just came home from seeing the game with Anna and Pauline (Annas flyer...)
O´Reilliy´s (named after Ryan O´Reilliy from Oz) were full. All places were covered with englishmen. So the brave swedes who dared to come had to stand.
But the atmosphere were calmer than expected. After seeing Eurotrip I always think twice before i scream "SWEDEN!" near an english supperter. All i hope now is that Sweden beat Germany. And if we do, I hope Tim (the German dude in my class) comes back. He is right now home in Germany to fix on of hes teeth (TOFF!) that got a bit messed up during the streetshowpresentations.

Chapter 2 - Apartment
Before the match i went with Sandra to St Gilles to see an apartment. I never felt that strong attachment (love is the wrong word for an apartment) since I saw Starflower (my Gävleapartment) the first time.

It was very big. (over 80 m2)
It was very cheap (450€)
It was very beautiful (white walls and very light)
It had a great bathroom (big bathtub)

Unfortunatly it was very far from school (40 minutes with Lé Metro)

Sandra called and woke me up this morning and screamed about another apartment she had visited that also was big, nice and cheap. But much closer to school.

Chapter 3 - Sandra & Jeremie (french for Elias & Mattias)
Right now it lookes like i will live with Sandra and Jeremie next year. That is great for me since I have nothing against any of them and both of them speak french as first language, but still they have no bigger problems (except funny accents) when the speak english.
To all you who wonders, here is a quick description of Sandra and Jeremie.

Sandra is an old lady. She is 25 years old and does trampoline and will start the third year after the summer. She is from Quebec and therefor speaks a different kind of french then the rest of the school.

Jeremie is from france and is quite french. He is 21 years old and does equillibre on slack wire. He is not a slack wire walker like Christer. There slack wire style is quite different. He did Chinese Pole before.

Chapter 4 - McDonalds
Since we ended school late (1815, belgian for 1800) today I didn´t have time to eat at home before the visist to the apartment. So i decided to visit the famous McDonalds. Anna said that the Big McFeast were to big for here to eat so i gave it a try.
At McDonalds i came to think about my dear sister. She sometimes visits places and gives it reviews to some kind of big company answer to CIA.
That place (McDonalds at Port du Namur) would not have scored high. At the door it said that they accepted VISA.
They didn´t. The girls who worked there were real lifehaters.

They didn´t smile
They didn´t talk
They were moody

Chapter 5 - Homesick
The hamburger were as I expected. Smaller than then Anna said and not that tasty.
When I enjoyed the fact that I didn´t have to cook today, I felt a strange feeling.
I miss Sweden. I miss a Super Duper Dubbel Bubbel 2000g meal at Sibylla.

Chapter 6 - Collective sleeplessness
Yesterday evening I wrote a blog at 0223. Quite late. But i started at 1030 today so it was no big problem.
It turned out that both Pedro and Christer also were sleepless last night.

I came to the conclusion that it is becuse we don´t have Arts du Cirque (our personal disciplines) this week, so everybody is loaded up with extra energy and the last week superpowers.

Well well, now i will try to sleep. If it don´t work i listen to another episode of The Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy. Soon i come to my favorite episod (the one were Zaphod is at the office...)

Late Night Cooking with Nisse

4 kommentarer
I think that this week will be one of those nonsleeping ones that comes sometimes.
I was in my bed listening to "The Hitchhikers guide to galaxy" the radioseries. The best in the world. After a couple of hours i realized that i am hungry.
Since it is late and weekdays i didn´t really feel like cookng a supermeal, so i just heated some water and WHEPPA Misosoup.
But since Misosoup itself isn´t that nuitritious (stavning?) i realized that i had to spice it up with the secret swedish weapon that has kept us out of war for a couple of centurys. The "Försvarets hudsalva" (army skincream).

Not just for the skin, but also for your gun, your boots and cooking.
But I don´t recommend polishing your gun and then your boots and then using the rest in the soup. That´s a bit disgusting.

Make sure that you have two sticks. One for poleburns and one for the lips. The food touches the lips, so i guess that the stick can touch the food.

I just hope that the Swedish Soccer team uses this ancient weapon tomorrow (later today).

19 juni, 2006

The past is hunting me...

5 kommentarer
It is always funny when you get reminded about stuff you´ve done and don´t think that they would be brought up to daylight.
Like when i yesterday found this picture of me on the internet

It is from some page that takes pictures alled alohafred

It is also funny when your most confusing teacher Sylvain, the man who never stops surprising, suddenly brings up the texts everybody (except Chrille P) wrote a couple of month ago.
Then they should be read by the author and translated spontaniously by somebody else.

My text was:
She has cleverly matched her pants with her socks
He has some matches he keeps them in a box

Her parents are rich, they even have a pool
His parents are poor, can´t almost pay the school

What he feels for her I think is called Love
He could be nice, call her his dove

A girl in this age is not easy to impress
Most of his attempts end up in a mess

Like ancient men a long time ago
He tried to impress girls with a big fire show

He put stuff together in a big pile
I lit the paper and waited a while

The fire got bigger for every second that pass
He wanted her attention and yelled "SWEET ASS!"

She saw that he done when she had a look
and asked him could you burn my mathbook

He did not dare to say no to this little thing
Together the heard the fire alarm ring

The fire was famous all over the news
For her birthday he bought her new shoes

It´s not everytime stuff like this ends up well
Most of the time the kids go to hell

I am a bit proud of my text. But the texts should be a biografy about a box of matches. I fucked it up and wrote a brutal lovestory. But Lotta tried to save it and draw somekind of strange parralells and stuff. But for me it will be a nice text that is a bit offtopic.

Sylvain wanted, as always, some changes. And if i get bored some light summermorning in my friggebod i might rewrite it. It would be nice in the form of a childrens book, with some illustrations. If anyone have a crayon over please don´t hesitate to make a small drawing...

When i was writing this blog a strange swedish telephone number called me. And in the otherside it was a strange girls voice. Sounding all like "Hi, i live in Gävle and have done so all my life and I can´t wait until CH opens again..."
But what she really said was:
"Hi Nisse. Do you hear who it is?"

And i didn´t...

A bit embarrasing since it was Hege, my classmate and one of my best friends.
But her dialect was completly changed from before, she didn´t have that cute/strange/annoying norwegian accent anymore.
Linnea was there too, she sounded the same.

I love cyberspace

1 kommentarer
You Are Marge Simpson

You're a devoted family member who loves unconditionally.

Sometimes, though, you dream about living a wild secret life!

You will be remembered for: your good cooking and evading the police

Your life philosophy: "You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head."
The Simpsons Personality Test

I never think i have been so surprised over an internettest. But i am newly awake and I really look forward to a meeting about Landing today.

The biggest problem here i Brussels for me is not really the language. It´s whats said between the words.
When a meeting starts at 1230, I try to be there at around 1225 at latest.
Sometimes the meetings start at 1230. But most of the time they start a bit later. It is strange and i wish i could be so relaxed about time as the rest of the people at school. But i start to realize that I am a timeoholic. I love to be on time.
And I am a bit proud of it...

18 juni, 2006


1 kommentarer
I was planning to make a real hard working day with Nisse Lé Film today, but except for moving stuff from my camera to my computer i didn´t really do anything more than completly changning the intro.
And i took all my filmed versiones of operation meatball and cutted them togheter so i become a youtubecelebrity...
(Check it out)

Tomorrow i start at 1315 so i think i will try to do some more videowork...

Alone again...

1 kommentarer
Ok, i´m sorry that i haven´t written so much the last days. I had visitors, Toby 2 Kenoby and Milqy Balboa. AKA 7ufjoni and Tobbe. Two great men on a adventure through europe. I showed them Brussels and we had a long and fulfilling conferance about the future for LG2S. The result is a big secret, but we love ourselfs!

Anna (famous from Blidö) has started to blog. Her plog will probably be a emoblog about her pain and suffering.
(read the blog here)

Tomorrow we start school after lunch, so tonight i will clean my room, it looks like i have been living with two homes dudes for a couple of days.

Here is the galactic heroes this morning just before they left.

Here is Johnny doing situps in the parc.

Here is toby trying to speak french.

13 juni, 2006

Good quotes about modern art?

3 kommentarer
Give me crack, anal sex. Take the only tree thats left and stuff it in the hole of your culture.

Leonard Cohen is almost on the spot, but i have to give it to one my best friends. Elias Larsson, the allsinging alldancing crap of the world.
I think he said it best:
"...i kokosnöten, rycka som ett kernobylbarn och tänka på hård kalvsvans under krukväxster i sibirien..."
. It is hard to translate but it means something like:
"... in the coconut, tremble like a child from tjernobyl and think of the tail of a veal under plants in sibiria"

It is a great way yo explain how i fell about school right now. I am a bit tired on the "french", oops i mean "contemporary" parts of it. The rolling on the floor and big eyes.

I think i´m not the only one since when we are in private the humour reaches new low watermarks. What used to be almost sofisticated humour is now raw enough to make Adebesi from Oz blush.

The knee is almost perfect again. I did lots of new supertricks on the pole today. Crazy enough to get Loïc to say they are crazy. Then they are crazy.

Now i will make my father proud and do what he would have done. See the macht between Brazil and Croatia. My guess is that Brazil will win.

12 juni, 2006

Summer in the city

0 kommentarer

Brussels is getting hotter and hotter.
This is really nice, but the heat makes it hard for me to eat. This leads to a huge dinner when i get home...
But no danger on the roof (is this expression translateable?)

My knees are ok, they still feel cheesy (like they were made of cheese) but i can train. I didn´t do any dynamic moves on the pole today, just pure force and positions with extra waights on the feets... Strange but fun.

For all the people who wants to see the trailer but sit on a bad computer or don´t really know how to see it i can recommend YOUTUBE who have the video too.
(click here)

Nisse Lé Film will be done and ready for download around the 10th of July

ANyho, sweaty Nils goes to the shower...

11 juni, 2006

Shortest blog ever

3 kommentarer
Half rockenroll suicide, liverecording from Jaspers apartment.
(click here)

10 juni, 2006

The holy grail...

1 kommentarer

The prequel to Nisse Lé Film is now avaiable for download for everyone.
This film was created by Chrille P and EOS in 2005 and it showes the best parts from gävle.

Check out Anderssons fourfeetsalto, check out my saltofulltwist and there is a girl, and she is on FIRE!

Have fun and tell your friends...


0 kommentarer
I like singing while i´m blogging... It gives the blogging a new dimension that noone understand.

Yesterday I had a very strange day.
First of all, the pole class started great, everything went well. Until I did a frontsalto and landed with überstreched legs so the knees tryed to open the wrong way... This led to a Nils with totaltrainingstop the rest of the day. But the sun was shining so I survuved, even though t felt strange beeing in school and not beeing able to work.
(I was planning to write something really evil about Pedro here, but I don´t since my defence mechanisms is out of order...)

After a couple of hours in the sun, on the benchpressbench (back to basics) and in sall etudiant we did a general rehearsal of the streetshow and everything felt ok. Alex came live from amsterdam and saw it, he really liked it i think, but he coulden´t see the superperformance later that evening. It will come up on a giant network of computers later today maybe... We´ll see...

Murderday, or the day before...

0 kommentarer
Murderdays is a common expression from my former blog. It is what i call the days that are to long to be blogged about. Today we had everything and i did lots of twists from lay on the arm to the ball (film comes sometime)
We have built the rest of the show which we present tomorrow around 2000 at bourse. Come and see!
We have danced

We had joy
We had fun
We had lunch out in the sun
But the poles that i clib digest baugettes quite fast

We had a big meeting about the examination of dramaturgi.
We have tested the firehelmet and it workes great, so i will survive

For as long as I know hove to love I know I´ll stay alive
I´ve got all my life to live
I got all my love to give and I´ll survive

(Or the cake takes fire and I die, burned alive on open street)

07 juni, 2006


2 kommentarer
Chrille P filmed some completely different videos of me today.
One where i do frontflip on the pole (click here)
And one where I rip off all my clothes exept for a golden dress and do some tissue (click here)
One other where i am inside a fake cake trying to take off a shirt and jump out, it was the first try and i didn´t know it was being filmed... (click here)
And one from this monday in Walibiparc where i go back to my roots and enjoy the fun a hammer can bring (did anyone say honkbonk?)
(Click here)

You will need VLC or QUICKTIME to see the movies.

They explain the day quite good. Except for that i got a SMS from a LG2S fan
Her name was Rebecka and she and her friend were out interailing and needed a place to stay. Emilliano offered his place but they turned it down. I wonder why...

06 juni, 2006

Rollercoasters and documentarys about the motherland!

3 kommentarer
Today me and "the gang", Chrille P, Anna (alias Han Solo) and Chewie (alias Pedro) went to the amusement park It was big, beautiful and had lots of rollercoasters. Chrille P is famous for his fetisch for rollercoasters and know lots about them. Chewie and Han just tagged along to have something to complain about.

After eight hours of rollercoasters we went home and saw the great documentary about the swedish schoolsystem. Onskan (EVIL).
It is always more fun to see a film if someone repeats all the words like a parrot.

Now i am tired and will go to bed. Tomorrow the goal is to make a perfect front soumersalt (spelling?) on the pole. Maybe i film it and put it here...

Until then, save the whales.

05 juni, 2006


0 kommentarer
Yesterday was that kind of day that noone would belive me if i told you. So I don´t.

Today i have mostly been inside working on different videos. First the Dramaturgyvideo that i completly changed,´and i really like it more now.

Then i´ve been working some on Nisse Lé Film. But most of all, the trailer for Lé Film is done.
It is completly unlike the result of the film. The trailer is basicly just funnyclips run at 200% speed. But i think that you will like it.
Download the trailer now!

To see the player you need something that can play *.divx i recommend VLC.

Tomorrow me, Anna, Chewie and Chrille P is going to some kind of amusementpark.

03 juni, 2006

I´m The firestarter

3 kommentarer
Sorry mom. I have built a firehelmet today and i am not afraid to use it.

It is not completly done yet, the kevlar is not attached properly. But it will look something like this:

I will test it quite soon so i know it is safe and stuff.
For all the people who don´t know what the helmet is for, i can only tell you that it will be in the interpretationexamination who will take place outside GB Express at Bourse on friday around 1900 (or was it next friday?)

02 juni, 2006

Cut Pedros hair!

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Pedro, if you read this. It is not funny anymore. You have to cut your hair, it is to long. Imagine how high you would be able to jump whitout it.

For all you readers who havent seen Pedro´s hair imagine something long,.

This day started with a ride in "lé Metro" to the school, and i read the newspaper called METRO. I read it everyday, but it is in french so it is a bit hard for me, but there is pictures too. Today i saw taht they have recommendations what to wear every day on the weatherpage.

Todays tip was a blue polo.
Do they think that i will go home and change clothes then?
Since Metro is only available in "Lé Metro" do they think that anyone will go home and get there blue polo if they read that it is the right day for it?
How many people own a blue polo?
If i know that i am awake before Christer, is it my responsability to call him and tell him to that it is Poloday?
Is it ok with a green polo?

Also, the weather in Brussels change every five minute, so whatever you wear, it is right sometime during the day, and wrong sometime. So dear METRO, please stop giving us silly advises, noone cares about youre clothestips.
Please put in a "cut pedros hair" ad instead.

I also saw this poster today:

What drives a man to call himself "Henri HORNY" and write HORNY with big letters?

01 juni, 2006

Devil Dave

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Our School don´t really have a mascot, like Vasaskolan had "Bosse in the cage" and Herrskog had Majsan.
If ESAC would have any mascot it would probably be Jean Francois. But he is now really so mascotty (hurra, new word) as Majsan and "Bosse in the cage".

I think that the strongest candidate to a ESACmascot is the LP with Dave. The face of the devil. Noone knoes where the LP come from, but suddenly it appered from nowhere (hell, probably) together with other hit LP´s like Carlos.

This is how Dave looks like, behold the horror.
FACTS: If you hold a LP with Dave infront of anyone sleeping they will never speak again.

Isn´t he scary. I bet he didn´t have pants during this photoshoot

Look at him, his face say: "I know where you live, and i am not afraid to visit you"
Do you see any pants at this photo?

Daves manager: "Hey Dave, we need to cover all the nudistromours, make a photo in pants."
Dave: "Ok, only if i can have a tracksuit jacket halfopen whitout tshirt under"

Censorship rules!

4 kommentarer
Yesterday i fell asleep early, at 1900. It was really strange, i guess i was as tired as the drugdealer thought. I woke up at 2200 and my first thought when i realized i was awake was:
"No, i can´t write a blog right now, the whole internet will think i really bought morfin and just fell asleep..."
Sometimes I overestimate my fame, or atleast that´s what i heard. Someone sent me a so called postit (the communicationdevice at LG2K). She was complaining about my ego.

I say as Zaphod Beeblebrox, "If there is something more important then my ego on this ship I want it thrown off NOW!". Speaking of my ego, look at pictures in Chrille P´s blog.

I almost did a perfect forward salto on the pole today, all i need now is to get my legs in the right place and I can film it and pretend like I do it that good everytime and show it to YOU, my dear blogreader.

Me and my interpretationgroup has almost built our streetshow now, we know how it will start and we have the banquinepart ready, atleast in our heads. Since Pedros back is broken he couldn´t throw, and Sannas neck is a bit broken so she couldn´t fly.
But i will speak french, english and swedish in the show.
(Anna kan jag låna din guldklänning som låg i elevrummet?)
(Sometimes i send secret messages in paratheses...)

I also want to start two campaigns, one to get Pedro to start blog more. One other to make him cut his hair.
Witch one sounds more interesting?

A lá prochain!