26 juni, 2006

Behind enemy lines

Right now I feel a bit homeless. My room in my soon to become former apartement is a bit turned upside down, I have sorted everything in two piles, one to throw one to keep.
Just like my mother demanded. (The rules are simple, never question your mother when it comes to moving between places, she is the master of moving...)

At the moment I am at Annas place where I have slept the last two nights. Anna is playing somekind of strange french game with Pedro, Violane, Vlademir, Luca and Pauline. Luca and Pauline are a team and are looking at everybodys cards all the time, but they don´t notice.

Tomorrow we are free from school so I will move all my stuff here and live here until my apartment is ready at the 3 July. In school we only have some cleaning left to do, but we almost did it all today. So it will take around two hours (if everybody are there...)

I start to enter the mental state of summer holiday. The sun was shining a couple of days ago, but now it got a bit belgian again.

Tomorrow i will probably post a couple of pictures, i can´t do it now since I for the first time is blogging from a Mac. Really strange.

5 kommentarer:

Christer sa...

på tala om mac, jag funderar på att köpa en macbook... vad sägs? bra eller dåligt?

Nils Wärmegård sa...


Christer sa...

ok då blir det inge macbook

Nils Wärmegård sa...


Christer sa...

jdå väntar jag med att köpa något som helst tills Windows Vista har etablerat sig och är mer eller mindre felfri!