25 juli, 2006

E-type, fritiof andersson och jag

7 kommentarer
Well well, now i am home in Nyadal to pick up the pole.
Tomorrow i will call and maybe get a 5-6 meter pole...
On thursday I go to Näsåker to celebrate Eos trip to Greece.

I was planning to make a haiku, but i failed.

23 juli, 2006

One last deathblog for the road!

2 kommentarer
Internet is getting better and better.
When me, Elias and Vilya was reading Berny Pålsons guestbook at helgon (one of our common interests) we found that someone was very eager to give Berny, the greatest writer ever, this link.
So I pass it to you all and I hope that you see the glory!



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Just so you know Pedro.
Arvika is an alternativfestival, so everyone have to look the same, so i did my best to go undercover and melt in with the strange hairstyles...

1000 words, no thank you

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Picture from Arvikafestivalen i found in the "internet"...

Let´s get down to buissniss

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Tomorrow is one of those days that you do stuff on.
At 7 in the morning the blacksmith (called svarte Petter) will open and he will have a client right away. I hope he knows how to make what i want. ALl you Nilslovers out there can guess that it is a pole he will make. I hope he can put rubber on it too. Then i won´t be completly out of shape in september.

I will also go to the bank (ANNA MAILA SIFFROR, ANNARS GISSAR JAG!)

Next weekend I will probably be in Näsåker, the show with Elias is probably called off. But I will go to näsåker anyway, just becuse it is a wonderful place to spend the summer and there is always something to do for the best festival on the planet.
Urkult (for those who haven´t guessed it yet)

Eos has a party too.

Sorry Pedro and Jasper

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Pedro (Chewie) and Jasper (Han solo) are two of the non swedish readers that follow my adventures in the blog the most i think.

I feel sorry for them since the last post (som iochförsig inte berättade nåt) was in swedish. So they now, after 13 days of noneblogging update the page and find something in swedish.

So i can tell you this.
Röjsåg is swedish and it means brushtrimmer. Ireally like the swedish word for it more. Brushtrimmer sounds like something for hair.

Anyho, i have written a lot of stuff the last days. But it will be published in the next issue of Apfelzine.

Lättja makes me blog in swedish

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Idag är en stor dag. Jag bloggar på svenska igen. Fast bara för den här gången. Mest för att reta Pedro och Jasper.

Den senaste tiden har jag gjort saker. Saker som är långt ifrån dator. Jag har varit på arvika.

Lerig, äcklig och skitkul. Jag träffade massor med nya vänner och gjorde mig av med endel gamla (*skojar*)

Sen har jag slöat i min friggebod. Jag har fått alla avsnitt av vänner och nu skall jag uppdatera bloggen för förstagången på två veckor, och ingen vet egentligen vad som har hänt. Speciellt inte Pedro eller Jasper.

10 juli, 2006

Thank you Viktor Rydberg

2 kommentarer
France did not win the World Cup.
The headbutt from Zidane was really nice, but in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Since I will go away for one week now and not blog in a while I present some pictures from my adventures the last days.

This is me, newly awake in my summerhouse. My dear father decided to spexxa by taking a photo of me before I realize that it is morning.

My father also took a surpriseshot of Sigrid the Cat before "the divine hand" took 5 of her kids...

This is me with that röjsåg i was talking about earlier

It is a hard work, but someone has got to do it.

Since I have done a comeback at the internetcommunity Helgon, i decided to pose with the röjsåg so i can put the picture in my helgongalleri.

This is me now, half past three in the night, deciding to write a blog, when my father apperes with the camera.

Well well well, time to sleep a couple of hours. Tomorrow I go to Härnösand and then my sister gets on the train in Sundsvall. Then she goes to Stockholm and I go to Västerås.
Until next time, have fun, enjoy the summer. And make sure that if you meet any africans, tell them to visit my blog!

09 juli, 2006

Out of time and date and spirit

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Friday morning 0217

Sometimes life as a worldclass blogger is hard.
For example when you haven´t done anything more than sitting infront of a computer blogging all day and the day after see that you only blogged shit.
Or when you feel that you have done so much in so few days but those days have been far away from a decent internetconnection.

Like you, my dear blogreaders, have guessed already (except for the stupid ones, I still have your Levisshirt, don´t worry) I have been a victim of alternative number 2.
This will result in a too long and messy blogentry.

Right now, I am writing this in my small hut in the beginning of a former forest. The forest have been partially cut down to make space for a hyperspace bypass. Speaking of making space, the hut is not hidden behind bushes now, becuse i gained machopoints by sawing down everything with a "röjsåg".
Big motharfucker that takes away small trees, grass and everything else you don´t want around your dear house. If you know what that tool is called send a Email to Starfighter@lg2s.se with the title Messerschmidt and attach a photo of your father and it will be published here in the blog (unless he is naked, BLYACK!)

Living alone in a small hut in the middle of nowhere has it´s advantages.
For example, if i want to play music high in the middle of the night. I just do it!

Today (Thursday) I did what every man should do atleast once a month! Climb a mountain.
Mountains in Brussels is rare to see so I have to climb all the mountains I can find here, and that is many.
The mountain of today was the childhoosclassic "Själandsklinten", the english title is "The Sjaelands mountain".

Tomorrow (Friday) I think I will freestyle up on some other mountain. That would be nice.

The trip home from Brussels went easy but boring. I got restless quite fast. But I invented a really nice game.
It is called "how long can you hold your arm straight out".
THe rules are simple: Keep the arm straight out and still for as long as possible.

For variation you can take a bottle of water in the hand so it becomes a bit heavier.

My sister is learning to burp. So everytime she is quiet for longer than 10 seconds she sais "Jag rapade!!!" afterwards. Normally if it is a burp, you´re not supposed to say that you burped. Everyone is going to notice.
But since she haven´t been able to burp for 22 years I welcome her to the big community of burpers worldwide.

Sigrid the cat have given birth to 7 kittens, but after a touch of the divine hand the number of kittens where reduced by 5 resulting in 2 kittens left. I hate kittens when they are small and boring. But in a couple of weeks they will be fun. Anybody want a kitten?
Send a email to starfighter@lg2s.se marked kissekissekatten.

In a couple of days I think I will leave my dear house and go out in the beautiful Sweden on adventures.

03 juli, 2006

The snow lies for the roof, there is now snow, it is too hot

1 kommentarer
Right now I am surrounded by foreigners. In the room to the left there is three french girls, (Sonja, her sister and Ann-Cathrine). In the room to the right is one finish girl, (Senja).
They are sleeping and preparing for a hard week of selections at the school. Just like Hege and Mattias and many others. I wish them all good luck and I hope that next years premiere annee will be a nice class...

Tomorrow (or later today) I will move in to my new apartement. I have a meeting at 4 o clock with the landlord. Before that I have to sneak into school and get all my stuff. Then my dear family will come during the day too. They have been travelling in circles around me for a couple of month now waiting for me to let them take me. But I have been too busy to be able to leave Brussels.

I start to hope that we atleast get to Leuven or something tomorrow, otherwise I might be trapped here in Brussels forever. And I really miss my dear homeland right now. As soon as I will get to Sweden i have to eat a hotdog with a trocadero. Unfortunatly the southern parts of Sweden don´t have as much trocadero as the civilised parts. And they speak skånska. But nothing can stop me now. Except dieing of boredom in a car in the sun in 2000 hours with only my family as company.

Out of a familychemistry perspective I think that putting us in a small space for 50 hours after beeing spread over the world for 6 month is a crazy experiment. My guess is that my dear MP3player will save me. I will probably fill it with George Carlin and sleeping music.

It will also be interesting to see how good their new car is, it is a Toyota Prius, a hybridcar.
Tonights bedtime prayer will sound a bit like this:

Dear father, who is in netherlands.
Please make it rain while we drive home
But not to much, then we might get vattenplaning
Please don´t wake me up unless it is food or something really interesting along the way
Please don´t bore me out when I´m restless in the car
Please don´t stress me before I am done in brussels
Please don´t put your seat to far back

May my name and my body be allowed to sit in the front seat for a while
May my batterys in my mp3player last long and strong
May my mother not complain that she thinks i have the volume to loud
May my sister be nice to me
May all the algrens bilar be divided through the words of Marx (behov, jag har inte ätit bilar på skitlänge!)
May all the roads not lead to Rom, atleast one of them can lead to Nyadal.
In the Mother, the father and the sisters name

02 juli, 2006


1 kommentarer
Today has been a very silly day. Nothing has really made any sense since Hege and Matte are here. Yesterday night we were awake until 0500 talking of old memories. We woke up early today and me and Chrille P showed them Bruxelles.
Christer had found water, and I didn´t belive him, but were proved wrong, there is water in Bruxelles, but it is dirty and it floats dead stuff in it. But it is wet and long, so i guess it is called a river.

We also got in to lots of problems with the police and guards.
First they didn´t allow us to sit on the floor in the mall when Matte were buying shorts.
Then Matte were not allowed to walk on a "räcke".
Then Chrille P were not allowed to walk on the grass.

Totally insane,  nothing is allowed here. The police hates Mattias, hohoho...

01 juli, 2006

Stariz goes to the spa...

2 kommentarer
Gören (Prenounced likte a swedish folksong) told me that the name Spa, which means something like "pay money to roll in mud, take a bath and eat healthy food", comes from a belgian town, called Spa. They also make water with bubbels (silly, but Chrille P likes it).

Yesterday i cleaned out my former room. Had a very short meeting with Sebastian, the former landlord and gave back the keys and got the securitydeposit back. Everything went fast and smooth.
When I got back to the Anna&Lotta House I decided to not be social. It struck me that the last two weeks I haven´t really had a calm and quite night alone.
So first I take a long bath with good music to keep me company.
Then I see a couple of episodes of Oz, the best televisionseries.
Then I eat all Lotta and Annas salad before it gets old.
Then I fall asleep...

Now, 15 hours later, I´m awake, full with energy...
Come to Anna and Lottas spa, it´s free and fun!