09 juli, 2006

Out of time and date and spirit

Friday morning 0217

Sometimes life as a worldclass blogger is hard.
For example when you haven´t done anything more than sitting infront of a computer blogging all day and the day after see that you only blogged shit.
Or when you feel that you have done so much in so few days but those days have been far away from a decent internetconnection.

Like you, my dear blogreaders, have guessed already (except for the stupid ones, I still have your Levisshirt, don´t worry) I have been a victim of alternative number 2.
This will result in a too long and messy blogentry.

Right now, I am writing this in my small hut in the beginning of a former forest. The forest have been partially cut down to make space for a hyperspace bypass. Speaking of making space, the hut is not hidden behind bushes now, becuse i gained machopoints by sawing down everything with a "röjsåg".
Big motharfucker that takes away small trees, grass and everything else you don´t want around your dear house. If you know what that tool is called send a Email to Starfighter@lg2s.se with the title Messerschmidt and attach a photo of your father and it will be published here in the blog (unless he is naked, BLYACK!)

Living alone in a small hut in the middle of nowhere has it´s advantages.
For example, if i want to play music high in the middle of the night. I just do it!

Today (Thursday) I did what every man should do atleast once a month! Climb a mountain.
Mountains in Brussels is rare to see so I have to climb all the mountains I can find here, and that is many.
The mountain of today was the childhoosclassic "Själandsklinten", the english title is "The Sjaelands mountain".

Tomorrow (Friday) I think I will freestyle up on some other mountain. That would be nice.

The trip home from Brussels went easy but boring. I got restless quite fast. But I invented a really nice game.
It is called "how long can you hold your arm straight out".
THe rules are simple: Keep the arm straight out and still for as long as possible.

For variation you can take a bottle of water in the hand so it becomes a bit heavier.

My sister is learning to burp. So everytime she is quiet for longer than 10 seconds she sais "Jag rapade!!!" afterwards. Normally if it is a burp, you´re not supposed to say that you burped. Everyone is going to notice.
But since she haven´t been able to burp for 22 years I welcome her to the big community of burpers worldwide.

Sigrid the cat have given birth to 7 kittens, but after a touch of the divine hand the number of kittens where reduced by 5 resulting in 2 kittens left. I hate kittens when they are small and boring. But in a couple of weeks they will be fun. Anybody want a kitten?
Send a email to starfighter@lg2s.se marked kissekissekatten.

In a couple of days I think I will leave my dear house and go out in the beautiful Sweden on adventures.

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