03 november, 2006

I´m Back....

Once again I have made a cliffhanger in the blog and then not updated in one week. Sorry.
A whole world is worried about my knee.
I still don´t know how it is doing.
But It feels a bit better and in around one hour me and Finanna is going to the doctor to check it out in a x-raymachine.

Speaking of Finanna (thats what everyone here thinks she is called) she is here and I think she likes Brussels. "Vad skall jag hälsa!?" She says to all of you. I´ve been showing here the town and she has been taking care of my knee.

We´ve been watching three movies on cinema. First we saw "Children of men" (Imdb) this monday. A nice movie about the future when noone can have children anymore.
Yesterday Sandra wanted to use the shower so we had to move out of the bedroom. So we had a hard time deciding what movie to see. The weather was bad so we couldn´t be outside. Finanna wanted to see "Perfume" (Imdb), I thought it was a girlsmovie. I wanted to see "Borat" (Imdb).

For some strange reason we ended up seeing "Perfume". (T0ffelpoäng! Släng dig i väggen Elias). It wasn´t a girlsmovie, it was a wonderful story about a man who liked to make perfume. See it.

Then since Belgium is belgium and noone seem to have control over anything we went to the salong were they showed "Borat".
Two movies for 5.95€!
Borat was a genial movie by the Ali G dude. I recommend it to everyone!

Tomorrow Sandra goes to Togo for two weeks. This means that I have what we in sweden call "FF". That means that I can walk around in my underwear or less and watch horrormovies all night. Or just read cartoons all night.

I also have to say goodbye to Toby twoo Kenobi and Chrille "Didn´t do it" P who both have decided to stop their blogging.
So Long and thanks for all the Fish.

Anyho, we are now going to the doctor.
Peace OUT!

6 kommentarer:

Milqy Balboa sa...

Nils din pilsner. Jag blir så ledsen när jag läser att du har slutat blogga. Men jag minns det med varmt hjärta och goda vibrationer.

Minns du när du skrev ditt första blogginlägg. Att det helt och hållet handlade om bloggande. Precis som alla andra.

Jag kommer att tänka tillbaka på den tiden med gråten i halsen.

Ps: du är snygg som en fjäril.

Reel Fanatic sa...

I'm very excited about Borat ... I'm finally gonng get to see it tomorrow, and am hoping I'll just laugh nonstop

Anna sa...

Nils har inte slutat blogga, toby och chrille p har slutat blogga...

Nils Wärmegård sa...

Anna har rätt!
Jag bloggar fortfarande!

Anonym sa...

men jag är snart back in business!

Tobias Grodmark (nä?) sa...

Ja som min vän och fiende milqy firenze säger så är jag också lite ledsen att höra att du slutar blogga. Din blogg var lite av en förebild för mig. Jag brukade försöka härma det du skrev att du gjort så gott det gick. Det du inte berättade om fyllde jag i själv. Jag åt själv. Jag sov själv.. ensam.. snyftande.. utan min Nils "Stor man" Wärmegård.

Kan det inte bli du och jag igen Nils? Jag saknar din stora starka kropp mot mina vader!

Och så vill jag hälsa till Nils mamma.