27 oktober, 2006

Just Fear, not loathing.

I went to Dr Chapelle (uttalas skalpell) this morning to check out my knee.
Unfortunatly Dr Chapelle (uttalas fortfarande skalpell) was sick (heartsurgery, emopoints!) so Morgan and the female took a look at my knee.

They couldn´t really find anything more than it is probably something with the menisk and they noticed the fact that I hurts if they hit on it.
Since they couldn´t give me anything better than a good time they decided to send me to another doctor. Doctor De Vos will get a visit from me in one and a half hour.
To be honest I am a bit scared. Imagine if the knee is broken forever. Then I will walk like Mad-Eye Moody forever. It would be a bit sad.
But shame on the one who gives up (it sounds better in swedish).
I can always buy a new knee on ebay or build one from spareparts.

Anyho, I´m going to the doctor now. It takes a while to get there, since I can´t walk as fast (and sexy) as normal, and since it is on the other side of town.

I also found this article, I am so glad that my mother don´t mind my "poledancing". Lol

Peace out!
PS. Tomorrow Finanna comes here to take care of me!

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