13 november, 2006

The battle goes in to middleplay

The chessgame against Sebastian has started off slowly but gets more and more intense.
No kills yet but it will come soon.

I don´t think I played this defensive in any chessgame before.

In real life today we had scenografy, trampo (i did headstand and abdominal training), pole and marcus. With marcus Paolo and I did a great dance, I was dead and he carried me around. Paolo weigh around 30 kilos or something but is superstrong and it became really nice.

Now I will hit the shower!

2 kommentarer:

Christer sa...

eros-fotalbumet funkar! kolla min webbsajt: www.christerpettersen.com

Anonym sa...

Det kanske är här man ska posta? Hursomhelst, tack för gratulationen. Hur är livet nere på kontinenten då?