11 september, 2006

The rise of the new apartmen

The apartment start to take shape.

It is very very far from done yet. Since CSN are a group of lazy people and have other things to do then send me my money I can´t go to IKEA and buy real swedish furniture (made in china).
But my dear mother borrowed me money so I atleast survive.
And since I know what all you blogreaders want (I am loyal to my fans...) here comes more pictures.

This is me newly awoken ready for a hard day on the barricades (shopping, barricades, same same but different...)

First shopping was some food and a cancercleaner (it helps you clean, but it is so strong that you will get cancer...)

We bought batteries for the cdplayer and put it on a table I got from Alix in my former apartment.

Sandra was happy and singing the whole day.

We bought a fruitthing that can roll on the floor.

We bought tape so we could put our name on the door.

We bought a holder for the dishes so I can do the dishes.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Good work! Keep on!

Anonym sa...

Who are the apartmen? Do I know them?

Anonym sa...

Adritt Power Cleaner!! Fy fan för ett namn! Det skulle man aldrig kalla ett rengöringsmedel i Norge...