15 september, 2006

Day 1 - Schoolstart (big resume)

First day of school.
I was quite tired this morning but it was really nice to come back and see everyone again. And all the new first year students.
The price for silly facial hair goes whitout a doubt to Sven, who changed his look from Aragon to the three musketers. It is hard not to smile to his very strange new mustach. (Sven if you read this, shave!)

Lin Meï is still in China, she has some kind of problem with the Visum to get back into belgium. I hope she comes soon.
This weekend the school will be open and on sundayafternoon I have poleclass. I still don´t have the money from CSN so I can´t buy new poleshoes. CSN is putting my life into danger.

Me and Sandra were supposed to get electricity today but the electricitymeter is inside a pittashop that doesn´t open until 1200 and the electric guy was a ass and couldn´t stay or comeback for then so we have to wait until wednesday. (I hate belgium...).

Right now I am at Anna and Lottas place. They are so nice to let me be here!

On sunday there is elections in Sweden. I hope that the rightwingpartys doesn´t win. I voted a couple of days ago, Miljöpartiet (the green party) for the parlament, Vänsterpartiet (the Left Party) for the commune and Socialdemokraterna (the social hypocrats) for the hospitals.

In a couple of weeks there comes some students from Montreal to do some kind of show with me and some people from the class. One of them will stay in my apartment.

Tonight there is a big party at the caravans.
Everyone who read this is invited!

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Varför får du rösta i alla val? =(
När man inte bor i sverige ska man ju bara få rösta i riksdagsvalet.

Nils Wärmegård sa...

Jag ær skriven i kramfors kommun...

Anonym sa...

å så ni har börjat skolan nu? vi började redan 21 aug... hoppas sommarn varit bra o så, ska börja läsa din blogg nu igen när jag inte orkar röra mig utanför lägenheten om det inte är för att träna =)