27 maj, 2006

Let´s Go!

Now i think i can stand the blog.
I have put a counter here so i can keep track on all you people who read it. And i will see and notice when people say they read the blog and don´t. (Hello Anna!)

I can´t wait for all the comments... I still really don´t know why i started to blog in English, but in one year i will start to blog in french.
Be prepared.

For all the people who don´t know me and find this blog anyway (i wish), i can warn you that it will mostly be about me, climbing chinese pole, circus and (my hate for the Belgians...)

Did you know:
Secrets are best places in paranthesis!

Todays swedish words of wisdom:
Kan nån svensk med huvudet på rätt plats berätta vad paranteser heter på engelska??

2 kommentarer:

Tobias Grodmark (nä?) sa...

parenthesis heter det på engelska

Anonym sa...

Hi Nisse!