28 maj, 2006

Happy fathersday...

Not only that i was unpolite to my father (which commandment is that?), it was the completly wrong day to be it.
Except for the 13 November (his birthday). The 13 November is really close to the father´s day, that is why me and my family switched places on the mothers day and fathers day. So the fathers day is today.
Förlåt pappsen...

The whole day today was spent at school, everybody was there to celebrate Arian.

The funny thing about Arian is that the more you hear about him and his life, the more impressed you become. He is truly ESAC´s answer to Yoda, and he flows with the force. Just like Jabba the Hutt.

Angel, the teacher in interpretation/mime performed a great show. He was really good. Christer did a part in the show as volontary monkey, it could be the worst performance Christer ever done. Christer also did a great performance as Tarzan the ropemimer, instead of Tarzan the king of the jungle.

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