18 december, 2006


Tell your friends about Alarm X-Mas.

10 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

fan vilken bra! //christer

Nils Wärmegård sa...

Jag hatar den... HAHAHHA.. Eller det känns som en downer efter gårdagen...

Viqtory sa...

jo gårdagens va bäst!
Din julkalender äger :) va söt pedro var! ^_^
/victoria från norastroem

Nils Wärmegård sa...

Hej victoria! LÄGET DÅ!!??

Anonym sa...

Varför hänger sig filmen mitt i Pedro?

Viqtory sa...

tjatja! :P det är KANON!

Anonym sa...

mammsen: kanske för att ni inte har så snabbt internet :-P

Tobias Grodmark (nä?) sa...

Nils don't you worry about the quality of the aovsnaitt. It was awsome! Especially Pedro who might come in competition with Paolo about my heart. But since Pedro took a bath in pieces of animal, in stead of frying it an putting in hes mouth, as I'm sure Paolo would do, he's gonna have a hard time getting to the top.

I'm a little afraid of your roomie even though she's in brussels and I am here. Can't help it. I think she will rape me one day.

I'm really sugen to come visit you and meet Paolo of course. But first I'm going to Prauge in february, then I can come visit.

Pusses and krams
/Green mean Tobymachine

PS. Where is life in this town?

Milqy Balboa sa...

NILS jag saknar ditt samarbete med Christer. Har ni blitt osams?

Anonym sa...

haha. vi är inte alls osamms. det är bara det att vi inte har tid att filma nagot tillsammans. men vi kör kanske nagot fran flygplatsen pa torsdag...