07 december, 2006

Alarm XMAS: Episod 7 - "Grown up men do stuff together"

Titta han snackar också!!!111

The creation is going forward. I can´t say that it is "good" or "entertaining". I can say that "my mom will like it" and "my father won´t leave during the show".

Todays episode of Alarm XMas were supposed to be followed by a teaser of the show. But I don´t have energy to do it now so I´ll do it tomorrow and it will be presented Saturday morning.

Right now I have to sleep. Tomorrow I will become blonder then ever.

"Sacrifice for art and you will never walk boring" - Nils Wärmegård 2006

4 kommentarer:

Milqy Balboa sa...

This video is no longer available.

Tobias Grodmark (nä?) sa...

Ja fyfan. Jag måste säga att jag älskar riktningen kalenderna har tagit. Gör en om Paolo eller gå under i elden!

Unknown sa...

Gulligast hittills!! :) I like!

Anonym sa...

Bouahahahaaa! You just HAVE to love him!!!!! :)
PS: How did you get to make your voice sound so nicely, Nils?????? I am impressed! ;)