12 december, 2006

12 - The instant classic

2 kommentarer:

Milqy Balboa sa...

instant classic huh? instant coffee may be. som jag sa i klottris:;
nils din pilsner, vi som konsumenter är inte nöjda med dina prestationer på kalenderfronten. de blir bara senare och senare på dygnet

om vi inte ser kalendern i tid så kommer vi som konsumenter att vidta greenpeace-åtgärder.

Tobias Grodmark (nä?) sa...

Nils you dragonbastard! I hate when you hurt my feelings with hateful propaganda in your calendar. The only thing that keeps me from throwing your blogg away is that everyday is a chance to see my beloved Paolo "The moscow eater" Rodruigez.
I am happy that he is learning swedish. Soon he can get a job in sweden at Mcdonalds and live in my room.
Please read this to Paolo: "I like it the most in open landscapes. Near the ocean is where i want to live. A few month every year. So that the soul can find peace. /Your biggest fan Tobi"

Peace out Nils. If I find you that Paolo doesn't know that he has a swedish fanclub I will throw bricks at you.

/Tobster the mobster