19 december, 2006


Yeah! I feel really good about this episode!
For some reason I make the best episodes when I´m tired.

I cleaned my room today. It smells cancercleaner here.

7 kommentarer:

Tobias Grodmark (nä?) sa...

It's a dream come true! Paolo sent a greeting to me! This is the best x-mas gift ever! Say hello to Paolo and tell him that he is a lucky guy, having a girlfriend that is almost as pretty as mine.

Now to you Nils "Blandsaften" Wärmegård. I must say that my experience with this calendar probably have been the best anyone have had. I've followed it like a slave and "fnyst" at places where they sell the "real" calendar for swedish television. What the fuck do the swedish media know about calendars? Nothing I tell you. I'm looking forward to having you in sweden and att the new years party.

Your insane blogfan
/Tobster the hogster

Ps. Say hello to Pablo too.

Nils Wärmegård sa...

Pablo, pablo, who the fuck is pablo?

I don´t know anyone called pablo, i know pedro, the longhaired guy who likes tequila and speak like a baby...

Tobias Grodmark (nä?) sa...

Oh don't tell him i mixed up his name then.

Luis Sartori do Vale sa...

The next one should be completely backwards!

Nils Wärmegård sa...

Luis, the guerilla minimalist with greatideas of the school.
It is btw a great idea for a show... We do it backwards, film it, play it forward and do it at the same time..

Anonym sa...

To all of us that is waiting for #21 of the faboulus Alarm: X-mas I can tell you that is will come later today.
Mr Nils is in the air flying home to his waiting parents and is not able to present todays luck before 10 o´clock tonight!
So be calm and friendly - three days left before christmas!

Anonym sa...

Thank you pappsen for calming my nerves! I was getting a bit nervous here. Proffessor Nils has had a tendency to be early with his episodes lately, but now i checked and todays episode was still not out in cyberspyce to be watched by all us eagerly waiting alarm x-mas lovers. But now i know that i just have to wait until tonight so i don't have to worry.