02 juli, 2006


Today has been a very silly day. Nothing has really made any sense since Hege and Matte are here. Yesterday night we were awake until 0500 talking of old memories. We woke up early today and me and Chrille P showed them Bruxelles.
Christer had found water, and I didn´t belive him, but were proved wrong, there is water in Bruxelles, but it is dirty and it floats dead stuff in it. But it is wet and long, so i guess it is called a river.

We also got in to lots of problems with the police and guards.
First they didn´t allow us to sit on the floor in the mall when Matte were buying shorts.
Then Matte were not allowed to walk on a "räcke".
Then Chrille P were not allowed to walk on the grass.

Totally insane,  nothing is allowed here. The police hates Mattias, hohoho...

1 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Nisse, how can you call this dirty water a river????!!!!! It is called a canal.... I recently was wondering if it's got a name, because they only always talk about "le canal". Enjoy your holiday! I'm sending you greetings from a city with a REAL river. Can you find out the names of the city and the river? :)