30 september, 2006

New Shoes

8 kommentarer
As some of you might know my dear Converse are quite dead (and smelly).
As some others of you might know I can´t find shoes I like.

First I went to the fancy shoestores at Avenue Toison d'or.
If I would be a buissniss man or drugdealer that would be the perfect place to buy shoes.

Then I went to Footlocker at de Brouckere and everything looked just like any other footlocker. But then I saw them, the ultimate Nilsshoe, comfortable like a normal Nike Air but at the same time shine and unique, Just like me.

They look like this:

As you can see they even match the blog!

I also met Benjamin and Michaela, they hated the new shoes.

28 september, 2006

Life rules

4 kommentarer
  • Finanna is coming to Brussels in one month!
  • I got the money from CSN today!
  • I bought new better poleshoes!
  • Lin Meï is back in Brussels
  • The sun is still shining
  • Sandra puts salt on her apple
  • Me and Sandra get some kind of canadien living here on sunday
  • I bought a waterboiler today
  • I bought SOCKS today!! (i have been walking, talking and training whitout socks for 20 days...)

Life rules!

26 september, 2006

Goodbye soul - Hello Lin Meï

0 kommentarer
  1. Running 4 km
  2. Chinese Pole (flagpushups 3st, everything else went bad)
  3. Lunch (baugette with pork and cheese and vegetables)
  4. Interpretation (angel, mim and swedish jokes)
  5. More interpretation
  6. Helping Anna with videoediting
  7. French test

As you might understand I was quite hungry at the end. So when I were on bus my dear father called me. He...speaks...sooooo.....sloooow.

I was very hungry...

Result: I was probably quite mean in the phone, I don´t know if he noticed.

I also screamed at Christer and Anna.

I should never be kept whitout food for so long again...

Today Lin Meï was supposed to come to school and whip me up the pole.

She didn´t cause she was jetlagged.

Tomorrow she will come to school and I will have pain.

24 september, 2006


13 kommentarer
We got a fridge! It still doesn´t got a name.

The one who comes up with the best name for the fridge wins a chance to sign it!
(eventuell vinstskatt och resa betalas av vinnaren!)
This is how it looks like:
The fridge is the white thing to the right (->)
Sandra is the thing to the left (<-)
Good Night!

23 september, 2006

Saturday afternoon blogging

0 kommentarer
First things first.
Elias Larsson (Mimmic from LG2S) has recorded some of his and Andre´s Teeterboardtricks. It is supergood! (EVERYBODY MUST CLICK HERE!!!!!11)
I just putted two new videos on youtube too:
  1. A video as answer to milqys comment (click here)
  2. A video with emilliano telling the second best joke he knows... (click here)

Right now I am making a DVD for Anna that I promised her in May. It is as close to Nils Lé Film i ever has been.

Milq wrote a superlong comment on the last blog, I try to answer all the questions here in some kind of order.
  • I am still on the surface of the earth
  • I just sent toby a SMS
  • The money has not arrived
  • I answer fans
  • I have been 14, i confess
  • No comment
  • The daughter is fine, I will call her Amidala
  • I will survive, for as long I know how to blog I´ll always stay alive
  • Stariz of the dead was a boring joke that only feeds my hybris, i don´t want to share it
  • My jokes that I want to share will be published here
  • I like to joke about strange and scary stuff to, but I am not afraid anymore, so life sucks.
  • Utterz is a funny animal, but I have no idea what it is called on english
  • I know that you are old, and I just saw some videoclips from that and it is now available on youtube (click here!!!)
  • I promise to take over when you are gone, I will bring glory to your grave, I don´t know who glory is, but i hope for your sake that it is a very hot girl I can bury next to you!!
  • My last name is from my fathers grandfathers family they were called Filipsson but wanted something more catchy and funky.
  • Scar killed Mufasa!
  • It is not a Båt, it is a Bot.
  • Rolling cakes is a art that is quite simple, it is easy to make from stuff you have at home, if you make it with seaweed and ris and raw fish it is not a cake, then it is sushi which i prefer. But then I am quite trendy and edgy too.
  • We should be together, but apperantly I smell :(
Yours truly
Nils Wärmegård

22 september, 2006

Lifechanging descisions blablabla

4 kommentarer
Anna have made a lifechanging decision
Christer have made a lifechanging decision (and written a blog instead of designing one...)
And the pressure is on me.
But I never make lifechanging decisions, I sing!

Gimme head with hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming,
Streaming, flaxen, waxen

Give me down to there hair
Shoulder length or longer
Here baby, there mama
Everywhere daddy daddy
Or NOT!!

I have just cut half my hair.
The rest will DIE when Chrille P gets here.

Christers blog today was really funny.
Svens mustache is funny!
Lin Meï is missed!

Everything else is like normal!

21 september, 2006


4 kommentarer
Once again the mighty Starfighter escaped death. This time he was forced to fight a big and strong beast. The beast challenged him for battle with a dragonballsms with the spell:

The mighty Starfighter realized that he was about to die so he took his big sword and climbed up on the hill and explained to the beast that he was you young to die. (14 years is not enough...)
Then he went home and drank lemonade.

Something like this is the fantastic "Sagan om Sagan" stories that my mother has found and published in her blog. (CLICK HERE!)
It is a serie of 35-40 books that I wrote when I were 6 years old.
English translation will come sometime later. Ask my mother to do it.

The story about Starfighter and the Beast is based on a drama that took place today.
  1. I am on the bus on my way home
  2. Anna (the beast), sends me a SMS with the text "Du ska Dö!" (You will DIE!!!)
  3. I get confused and answer something like "Oj, varför då?" (Oh, WHY!!?)
  4. Anna (the beast) call me and explain that I have put a fake spider in Pedros locker
  5. The fakespider was put in Pedros locker by Luis (who is PURE EVIL*)
  6. I only have the part of giving him the idea to do it
  7. Gert (uttalas skjärt) told Anna that I did it
  8. Gert (uttalas fortfarande skjärt) have to high thoughts about me
  9. I still haven´t got money from CSN to buy fakespiders
  10. If I would have done it the spider would jump into the face of the one who would open the locker, and I would prerecord spidersounds (!!??)
  11. Anna don´t won´t me dead
*I am sure that he has been to jail becuse he knows so many partytrix and he always knows how to behave himself. (I think he carries a toothbrushknife too)

20 september, 2006

Second hand solutions.

0 kommentarer
My life is right now built up by second hand solutions.
Im still training on a jättebamsing to pole but Arian and I made glue for it today with a ancient chinese method.
I just got electricity for the apartment, but there was something wrong with the gaz and noone at sibelga understands my french so I wait for Sandra to call.
I hope we can use Anna´s electric stove a while.

Where would I be whitout Anna? She is great (that goes for both of them).

Now I will buy a grenuttag (whats that in english?) and then I will use electricity.

Expect more frequent blogging from now one!
Peace out

18 september, 2006

Blog #101

3 kommentarer
Right now I am at Anna (the wonderful cook) place.

Pedro, Kenzo, Vlad and Luca is here too.
Everybody speak strange languages and everybody is really tired.

School is started again for real. I have been training some pole on the panzerpole, it is superhard and uncomfortable. Phillipe the director told me to put cocacola on it to get it sticky. That worked a bit but I like the old (now dead) one more.

Todays schedule were:
Running with pulsewatch 45 minutes.
Pole on bad pole
Lunch (baugette with tuna and cheese)

"I don´t have to shave my ass" - Pedro
"Can I quote that in my blog?" - Nils
"Ofcourse you can, he don`t even read it" -Anna

That is how it can sound when we are tired.
"Puke Puke Puke Puke!!!" - Pedro

"I have to fart" - Pedro
"This is gonna smell" -Pedro
"Is it smelling Nils?" -Pedro
"I´m SOO good!" - Pedro
"Mamma call!" - Pedro
"AAAAJ!" -Pedro

By the way! I won the first blogvisitfromafricacompitition!

17 september, 2006

Post number 100

0 kommentarer
It died.

The Pole died!

I didn´t do it this time. But the pole is dead.
Me, Diogo, Thomas and Mikael (they are the polegang of the first year) were in school to train with Arian.
Everything went well for around 30 minutes,then suddenly the pole breaks in two.
Noone got injured but now I will have fysical preparation until the pole is ready.
It will be a good poleyear with all this polepeople together. Everybody has quite different style.

Right now I am at Anna (the quite beautiful, not as beautiful as finanna, but still to old)´s place. She is dancing and then we go to my place so she can see my furniture...

Peace out!

15 september, 2006

Day 1 - Schoolstart (big resume)

3 kommentarer
First day of school.
I was quite tired this morning but it was really nice to come back and see everyone again. And all the new first year students.
The price for silly facial hair goes whitout a doubt to Sven, who changed his look from Aragon to the three musketers. It is hard not to smile to his very strange new mustach. (Sven if you read this, shave!)

Lin Meï is still in China, she has some kind of problem with the Visum to get back into belgium. I hope she comes soon.
This weekend the school will be open and on sundayafternoon I have poleclass. I still don´t have the money from CSN so I can´t buy new poleshoes. CSN is putting my life into danger.

Me and Sandra were supposed to get electricity today but the electricitymeter is inside a pittashop that doesn´t open until 1200 and the electric guy was a ass and couldn´t stay or comeback for then so we have to wait until wednesday. (I hate belgium...).

Right now I am at Anna and Lottas place. They are so nice to let me be here!

On sunday there is elections in Sweden. I hope that the rightwingpartys doesn´t win. I voted a couple of days ago, Miljöpartiet (the green party) for the parlament, Vänsterpartiet (the Left Party) for the commune and Socialdemokraterna (the social hypocrats) for the hospitals.

In a couple of weeks there comes some students from Montreal to do some kind of show with me and some people from the class. One of them will stay in my apartment.

Tonight there is a big party at the caravans.
Everyone who read this is invited!

12 september, 2006

No pictures but one funny link (och en tråkig)

0 kommentarer
Today i completely forgot to take pictures.

All you swedishreaders can check this out instead. (Click here!!)
All you non swedishreaders can check this out. (Click here!!)

Now I am at Anna (nerman)´s place.

Peace brothers (and sisters...)

11 september, 2006

The rise of the new apartmen

3 kommentarer
The apartment start to take shape.

It is very very far from done yet. Since CSN are a group of lazy people and have other things to do then send me my money I can´t go to IKEA and buy real swedish furniture (made in china).
But my dear mother borrowed me money so I atleast survive.
And since I know what all you blogreaders want (I am loyal to my fans...) here comes more pictures.

This is me newly awoken ready for a hard day on the barricades (shopping, barricades, same same but different...)

First shopping was some food and a cancercleaner (it helps you clean, but it is so strong that you will get cancer...)

We bought batteries for the cdplayer and put it on a table I got from Alix in my former apartment.

Sandra was happy and singing the whole day.

We bought a fruitthing that can roll on the floor.

We bought tape so we could put our name on the door.

We bought a holder for the dishes so I can do the dishes.

10 september, 2006

Photos from the apartment!!

1 kommentarer
Here is some pictures from my new apartment. All the blogging will take place here from now on. Except when I am out on magic adventures.

This is Anna and Sandra just when we arrived to the apartment this morning.

Anna tried the bathtub. It is small but she is not that big.

When she was out of the bath she tried the internet access. She has a strange hand with computors. But she is a macuser, so what can you expect?

Sandra on the otherhand started to clean her room.

This is the kitchen and some of my room.

Now we only need gas, electricity and furniture.

Peace out!!

Back in Brussels!

1 kommentarer
Now I am back.
Sandra just came to Annas place, superjetlagged and screaming. But it is nice that she is here so we can start decorating the apartment.
The trip went smooth and a bit slower than expected. But I start realize more and more that I enjoy going by car through Europe now. It is nice...

Today the building of lé MTF will start for real!

05 september, 2006

On the road... Almost.

1 kommentarer
Now I am ready to go back to Brussels. I have spent the last days with Anna (not Nerman, Juhlin), who by the way is a very nice girl. (syftningsfel, men jag föredrar Anna Juhlin före Nerman. Inget ont om frk. Nerman.)

Today I was at Cirkör and I met Rola and Bola, from my class. They made me miss school even more. I also did something that could be called training, but I am quite out of shape. But I feel that after a VERY painful first week I will be stronger than ever (*input evil laugh*).
After the "training" I went to Kulturama to meet Anna (still Juhlin) but she had a class so I found Synlic, famous from LG2K. He played trumpet for me with his friends. They were really good.

Yesterday I bought Anna (Still Juhlin, Nerman får ingen glass, eller jo, kanske...) her favourite ice cream, and she was very glad.

Tomorrow I will go to Flen and from there Anja (not Nerman god dammnit). I hope she is a good and safe driver.
Next blog will be from the road. Nils goes Cyberspace!!!